Lisa Caporale

Lisa’s goal is to help you improve and/or maintain your fitness. She’s an ACE certified personal trainer, Mad Dogg certified Cycling instructor and owner of Spartan Spin. She’ll have you focus on what you CAN do, and help you move the needle in your fitness journey. She’ll encourage you to “Do You” - meaning do what you can. It’s ok to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself, but listen to your body.

Her classes mimic an outside ride (hills and sprints) with some basic choreography (aka-pushups). Lisa’s favorite artists include Lizzo & Ed Sheeran. Her playlists offer a variety of music. Expect to hear current pop and tunes from 80’s, 90’s

Lisa is a Michigan State grad and Spartan Fan to the core! When she’s not at the studio you’ll find Lisa playing pickleball, walking her dogs, grabbing a coffee (or craft beer) with her husband and/or friends, or catching up with her kids.